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Ideation Program - Spring 2021

How to start? What makes an idea a good one? Who's your customer? How to make impact?

During the series of Ideation workshops, you will discover a wide variety of tools that support you in becoming a sustainable entrepreneur. After successful completion, you'll know what makes a good idea, how to set the first steps to get it going and how to explain it in a compelling way. This makes the Ideation workshop series a great way to start developing your entrepreneurial skill-set and knowledge!

This edition of Ideation will be online with some room to meet us at the StartHub, if the Covid-19 guidelines allow it! Every Thursday from the 20th of May until the 17th of June, there will be an online workshop session from 19.00 – 21.00. Each week will have a different theme, as you can see in the program below!

Ideation - FB post - April 2021.png

Want to join the Ideation Program? Registration is possible until the 12th of May at 18.00!

Registrations closed.

StartHub has a program that consists of 3 phases which take place twice during the academic year: Inspiration, Ideation & Realisation. With this program, we aim to inspire students about entrepreneurship, help to develop their entrepreneurial skills or even assist in bringing their start-up idea to life! Find out more about our program here.

Later Event: May 31