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Inspiration - Turning the tide on plastic pollution

An interactive webinar on innovators working towards a world without plastic waste.

Plastic. It’s cheap, sterile, convenient and it changed our lives. But this wonderful invention got a little out of hand…

Plastic is everywhere. In our clothes, phones, computers, cars, houses. Almost half of plastics are used for packaging. Single-use packaging as in coffee cups, plastic bags and wrappers is causing the second biggest environmental threat facing us today: plastic pollution. Although a small part of it is recycled, or burnt, around 80% of the plastics stick around in the environment for ages, threatening wildlife and spreading toxins. There is also the phenomenon of microplastics, which can already be found in food on our plate and the household dust around us. All in all, 8 million tons of plastic ends up in the ocean a year. Without big action and continueing polluting as we are now, the pieces of plastic will outnumber fish in the ocean by 2050.

It’s time to turn the tide on plastic pollution! In our interactive webinar on the 8th of April from 19:30-21:00, three different startups and innovators will present their entrepreneurial journey on how they tackle plastic pollution in different ways. Find out the challenges they faced, how they see the future and learn what you can do yourself!