Consult for legal questions
Geerts4Legal offers legal services. A practical solution is key. You can trust Geerts4Legal on its thorough knowledge and its long lasting experience with solving legal issues in a complex environment.
Together we will find a suitable solution. The environment that you or your company is in plays a big role in this.
At last, Geerts4Legal strives for a sustainable future. A future where sustainable forms of energy are being used and where there is more devotion to the environment
If you have any questions related to legal aspects, then get in touch with Nynke!
In what way can a company like Geerts4Legal help me?
You can contact Geerts4Legal for all kinds of legal questions, we will look for the answers together.
In what form can I collaborate with others?
There are legal forms with and without legal personality. In case of a legal form without legal personality, you are liable with your private assets for the debts of your company. There are several possibilities (one-man company, vof, BV, NV)
Do I have to register with the Chamber of Commerce (KvK)?
If you register your company in the Trade Register (Handelsregister), you will receive a unique 8-digit KVK number. A KVK number shows that you are officially registered with KVK. And you therefore formally have a company. After registration you will also receive a VAT number.
Do I need general terms and conditions?
General terms and conditions make immediately clear what rights and obligations you and your customer have. Your customers know where they stand. And you can reduce the risks you run as an entrepreneur.
Do I need a liability insurance?
As an entrepreneur you run risks. You can limit your business risks in various ways. For example, your legal form determines how much financial risk you personally run. You can also draw up general terms and conditions. In addition to compulsory insurances, you can also take out voluntary insurances.
How do I create a contract that is legally binding?
An agreement is established by offer and acceptance. Proof of an agreement may be provided by a written agreement signed by both parties.
What to consider when creating a contract?
Make it clear what the agreements are. Think for example of the duration of the agreement, the obligations of both parties, payment and liability.
What to consider when signing a contract?
Make sure that the person who signs is also authorised to do so and check with your contracting party.
Since completing her studies, Nynke Geerts has worked alternately as an inhouse lawyer and as a lawyer at a law firm. Both types of working circles have their own dynamics but a broad perspective is essential. Therefore, she is a generalist. This is also reflected in her broad personal interests. She loves among many other things sports, reading, cooking, music and last but not least travelling.
Questions during the Wednesday afternoon sessions are free of charge.
Short questions that take less than 1 hour are free of charge.
Intake of more complex questions are free of charge.
Hourly rate for detailed questions and handling of disputes is € 100,= ex VAT.
“• My personal motto is: ‘’Worrying does not take away tomorrow’s worries, but it does take away today’s strength.’’
• My business motto is: ‘’Setbacks are pills that one should swallow and not chew.’’