Consulting in prototype development of smart products and services in the Internet of Things (IoT) era.
ICR3ATE loves nothing more than helping companies, organisations and people innovate by developing ground-breaking prototypes. Preferably, we like to do that in close contact with our client. In return, ICR3ATE wishes to gain more exposure among its clients through helping out you. We help you materialise a conceptual idea into a working prototype.
If you have any questions related to prototype development of smart products and services in the Internet of Things (IoT) era, then get in touch with Manfred!
In what way can a company like ICR3ATE help me?
Consulting about your Prototyping process of Mechanics, Electronics & Software
Advise on getting things prototyped
Advise about partners in our Industry network more suitable for making your invention than us
Advise about the stage after Prototyping for mass production and Industrialisation
When do I need a prototype?
There are 3 good reasons to co-create a Prototype:
In the current business climate an impressive Keynote or Powerpoint, is not satisfying to develop your startup
A Prototype is the materialization of your MVP and is required to get investors on board
A Prototype helps to show your prospective customer demand and validates the product/market fit in an very early stage
How long does it take to create a prototype?
Depending on complexity, budget and co-operation of a startup as a co-creator or commissioner, we have had 2 months for software only to almost 2 years for technology selection, solution development and small scale implementation with one pivot in between.
How much does it cost to create a prototype?
ICR3ATE focus on the Product developer, inventor, Start-up and SME market. We always start with a collaborative Design Session, which will have price range from €600-€1800. We have done Prototype assignments for about €2,5K till €50K. Most commonly for small scale things with modest complexity and having a mixture of mechanics, electronics and software subsystems, we have an average value of about €12,5K
Can we build our own Prototype with your assistance?
Sure, in that case we deliver consultancy on request and you take your own route in creating that thing.
What is the most cost effective collaboration with ICR3ATE to build a Prototype?
There are 2 very important ingredients for that:
You have a good understanding of the technology capabilities and know how to use them in your solution idea
You’re an expert on your domain and with that we encourage you to get a co-creating relationship with us. We have a lab, knowledge and network and you add you own experience to that. With that you join our team and take care of a specified part of the foreseen prototyping activities.
With these two aspects you will get a powerful team and contributing to the result yourself. In practise this brings you maximum speed and cost effectiveness.
Since 1988, I have been working in the automation profession at ICT organizations. As a result, I have over 30 years of organizational and material experience in the (re)design, development, organization and management of IT.
Since December 1st, 2015 I am active with ‘ICR3ATE - getting things prototyped’, my start-up for rapid product prototyping. ICR3ATE is a business design, collaboration and manufacturing place for mechanics, electronics and software in the IoT era. In other words, a high-tech workplace for professionals who want to develop or have (partially) developed connected & smart products and services.
Fun fact: In the sailing season you will find me on the water with my cabin sailing yacht.
A first consult with a maximum of 90 minutes (intake, preparation, conducting and follow) is always f.o.c. A consult can be face to face in our Lab, at the StartHub or it can be a video conference with white boarding facilities.
““Prototyping is materializing ideas””