Consult for getting investment ready, due diligence and technology development
New Technology Value is involved in helping innovative startups reach their full potential. Beside our sound business advise we bring a wealth of industry and manufacturing experience. Partnering with us will speed-up innovation, build portfolio's, and bring corporate ventures to life.
New Technology Value its goal is to help entrepreneurs turn their own ideas and visions into successful companies, and scale these companies to series production, with content support, fundraising and networking guidance. We have seen first-hand what challenges tech scale-ups face getting to series production and securing funding.
We believe that we can create value and speed up the scaling of companies by bringing people and ideas together, thereby increasing mutual trust and closing knowledge gaps, for example between start-ups and investors.
As a results-driven organization, we are constantly looking for ambitious and visionary clients and partners with the drive and flexibility to take their company to the next level.
If you have any questions related to getting investment ready, due diligence and technology development, then get in touch with Gerard!
In what way can a company like New Technology Value help me?
We can help you establish how your technology will be produced on a mass scale, and help you with creating the successful company around your idea or first product. .
Am I ready for investment?
We can help you get ready for investment, with setting up the proper documentation and more importantly getting you ready to interact efficiently with investors and banks.
Where do I find investors?
If you want to get in touch with investors, we can help you identify what types of investment fits best in your case. We have multiple investors we work with on a regular basis.
What are investors looking for?
Having worked for investors and corporated companies that invested in startups and scale-ups, we know first hand what investors are looking for in an idea, and how to communicate effectively.
Gerard Stienstra has 20+ year technology development, innovation, and supporting policy-makers in the energy and industry field. His background is chemical technology and bioprocess engineering.
The last 10 years he has worked on bringing together start-ups and investors through Due Diligence and start-up reviews for 40+ start-ups, mainly in Europe and the U.S. He has experience in speeding up decision-making for new technology, many times acting as a translator between technical and financial disciplines. One of my specific skills is knowing how to manufacture products and scale up to commercial production. I enjoyed offering strategically relevant advice for large industry companies on novel technology, sustainability and novel energy concepts. Since several years, I’ve enjoyed working with WUR and sharing my knowledge and expertise.
Visit me at Wednesday afternoon in PlusUltra-II. The first hour of advice is for free, beyond that I charge a reduced fee.
“Partnering with us will speed up your company.”