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StartHub Hackathon

Do you want to be challenged, work with an amazing multidisciplinary team, get acquainted with multiple organisations and have a great learning experience? Then StartHub Wageningen has the perfect fit for you: The Circular Plastic Hackathon! During this Hackathon you will meet for example Fablab Wageningen, Plastic Playgrounds and some experts in the field of plastic pollution or recycling. They will educate, inspire and challenge you to transform Wageningen’s plastic “waste” into a high value product!

Friday evening the 18th of June you will meet your multidisciplinary team, the commissioners of the case will explain the problem and your creativity will be triggered with an exciting workshop. On Saturday the 19th of June it is time to hack! From 9:00 and onwards you will work on your creative, functional or fun solution and you will start preparing your final pitch and poster. Sound like a lot? No worries, we will guide you through the entire day, increase your pitching skills via the pitch workshop and stay focused with the energizer.

At the end your team will pitch the solution you came up with and you have the chance to win prize money, to maybe develop your solution even further and contribute to the plastic pollution problem in Wageningen!

Are you getting exited? We are! Register below and join us the 18th and 19th of June!

Registrations closed.

Earlier Event: June 8
Agriculture, what's next?
Later Event: August 11
AID Wageningen 2021